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Women's Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day: a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. This year, it’s time for the women in Aptoide Team, that work hard every day to bring you the best apps and games, to speak out and tell us what are their favorite apps. Let’s meet them and say Happy Women’s Day to them!

Mariana da Luz Costa – Influencer Partnerships Manager

Remember those days when you had to write down or memorize song lyrics? Most times, I completely forgot to google it later and lots of hits got LOST IN THE ECHO. Not anymore! Shazam is my best friend when it comes to knowing the song I am listening to. I now see myself grabbing my phone in the most varied situations and recording those jams for later use.

Katsiaryna Drozhzha - Customer Support & Community Management

BirdNET is an amazing app that allows me to identify bird by the sound! I live in a green area inhabited by dozens of singing species. While I truly enjoy listening to their live choir performance, sometimes it becomes hard for me to distinguish who is tenor and who is baritone😊 That is where BirdNET comes to the rescue! BirdNET can currently identify around 3,000 of the world’s most common species. Besides it is a citizen science platform that provides innovative tools for conservationists, biologists, and birders alike. Give it a try!

Claudia Domingues – Graphic Designer

Hey ladies! Do you keep telling yourselves that you must exercise and have a healthier lifestyle but you find yourselves on the couch, every day, playing games? I have the perfect app for you, Pokémon Go! This game allows you to transfer the fun of gaming to real life. With innovative augmented reality, the game incentives you to go outside, discover new places, meet new people in a funny and creative way. At the end of the day, you really want to catch them all and the good news are, the more you catch, the more you exercise yourself 😄

Pokémon GO
Olivia Tavares – Marketing & Social Media

I’m going to be recommending the cliche of the organization apps, but it’s still the most useful for me, the app is Trello. I literally organize my life on it, both professional tasks with my team and personal things. In our team we use Trello to work together collaboratively, we add upcoming events, posts, task... Everything we need to get done has a place and a status. On a personal level, all my to-do lists and ideas are on it, from grocery shopping to travel itineraries.

Daisy Zhang – Business Development

I am going to recommend a reading app that supplies ladies the hottest and most popular romance novels – Buenovela. Besides working hard on pursue for career success, we ladies have a need for romance to fulfill our famine nature. Reading gives us more privacy and space of imagination, especially when it comes to romantic stories. Beunovela and its similar reading apps are giving us the convivence to explore different catalogs of contents with different styles writing.

Inês Isaac – Marketing & Social Media

Who said I cannot be a weekend instagramer? For me, Lightroom is the way to go. I can edit my pictures like a proper influencer with the free version. There’s plenty of easy peasy settings to turn your picture into a professional one. You can look tanner, balance the colors the way you like, make it lighter or darker and turn it into a sharper picture. The Lightroom world is there for you to discover, practice and you will find out that there’s no secret sauce to edit like an influencer. Let’s get Instagram famous!

Catarina Taquelim – Quality Assurance and Automation Engineer

This all started when I judged a book by its cover. I am a foodie, I appreciate great food, but I also appreciate the quantity-quality-price that comes with it. While traveling, I entered a very good looking Italian restaurant to eat a great carbonara. When the food comes, I had a disappointment face that I could not hide…it was “gourmet”… and the price was also “gourmet”… When I got out, I went to check the restaurant reviews that, if I had previously seen, would have spared myself and my wallet a disappointment and heart attack, respectively. Short after, I checked for the best pizza in town and went there to heal my sadness. Even though the establishment wasn’t the prettiest, it had a great pizza with a great quality-quantity-price combo and I was finally in a good mood again! Since this, I’ve had Zomato and TripAdvisor installed as excellence apps!

Zomato: Food Delivery & Dining
Ana Lara Simões - Product Owner

My recommendation may arrive a little bit late… but it’s never late to start. From February 24th till March 14th, you can participate in the 2022 CrossFit Open, which is a three-week international competition where anyone — regardless of fitness level or ability — can participate. But don’t worry, if you don’t want to participate in the competition, you can always follow your favorite athlete or CrossFit boxes, or check out a new workout every day. Try it out!!!

CrossFit Games
Adriana Lopes – Partners Success Specialist

Spotify is one of my current favorite apps and the one I use all the time! If you love music as much as I do, you better try it out! Between the awesome playlists you can create, Spotify also suggest you new songs tailored for you. Because of that, I believe it is one of the best apps to discover new music. Plus, you can easily share your playlists with your friends and have a great time dancing to your best tunes!

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Best of 2023
Did you have a good 2023 in terms of gaming? So did we! That’s why we would like to compile the best games of the year in one place. From amazing graphics to old time board game classics, your favorite app store has a bit of everything. Make sure you try them all!
Editorial Home Views50.0K Views
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Women Power
Women's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by discovering a bunch of Android games with strong female characters? After all, everybody knows women do run the world! We've got a bit of everything: RPGs, puzzle games, and even a very intense MOBA! Keep reading to discover all you need to know about them and enjoy Women's Day with a good old mobile game.
Editorial Home Views86.7K Views
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The Year of the Tiger
This might be the most important holiday for the giant Asian country, but the truth is that the Chinese New Year is celebrated worldwide with festivals, food, music... anything that can transport us to the land of panda bears! And you already know how we celebrate things here at Aptoide: with apps! Below you’ll find some of the apps that will help you understand a bit more of China. Ready for the trip?
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Best of 2021
Many things have happened during 2021, but most important, many Android things happened! We’ve gathered some of the best titles published during the last 12 months so you don’t miss the highlights of the Android gaming world. Some of them excelled in terms of downloads, and others are here because they truly surprised us. Anyway, we believe it’s a great way of closing 2021!
Editorial Home Views178.5K Views
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Womens Day
March 8th is known worldwide as the day we celebrate International Women's Day. Although a global pandemic might hinder the frequency of massive demonstrations on the streets fighting for equality, we still want to celebrate the date in the best way we know how: with apps! So, check out this collection of apps listed below that are either created by women, featuring important women characters, or just important to the cause.
Editorial Home Views135.1K Views