Is there a better way of kicking off 2021 than with a Game of the Week? This title took the world by storm, which is unsurprising if we take into account where it comes from: the absolutely massive hit for PC, League of Legends AKA LoL! Yeah, you’re right, we’re talking about Wild Rift!
Let’s start with the important things: Wild Rift is not a mobile version of League of Legends. It’s a completely new gaming concept that sits within the schema of LoL. Of course, it’s still a PVP action-strategy game, but we find it much faster-paced and refreshing. Isn't that the usual tone in mobile versions of PC games? The gameplay is quite similar to League of Legends, but some details make it much more comfortable to play in a mobile device. Lanes are mirrored, which means you’ll always find the allied base at the bottom left, and for some champions the targeting of enemies is done automatically. This doesn’t mean that we can find auto-play in Wild Rift, but we can expect some level of simplicity (compared to the PC title) that will make our gaming experience much nicer.
We believe that the developers have prioritized skills over movement, since sometimes you’ll find things much less precise than expected, however it doesn’t take away from your enjoyment of the title. The same happens with the camera movement—you cannot really control it and your champion will always be in the middle. For a game where seeing your surroundings is key, it actually makes the experience much less interesting. This depends on the champion you’re using, but still, it’s something we hope the developers will put forth some effort to improve in future versions.
It’s very hard not to compare Wild Rift with the original League of Legends, but even after doing so, we can only say that we’re very satisfied with the result. We’re sure Riot will continue improving over time, however it already deserves to be our Game of the Week!